Lakes Region Mental Health Center— Through the Years
- 1966 - July 1, doors open at the Winston Building, 49-51 Church St., Laconia. Robert Page, PhD, Executive Director and Clinical Psychologist.
- 1967 - Offices move to Masonic Temple Building on Main St, Laconia. George S. Harris elected Board President. Second staff member hired. 465 people treated.
- 1968 - Board minutes reflect that "the drug abuse problem is serious" in the area. First fund drive held during "May Mental Health Month" and raises $2,691. Branch office opens in Plymouth for one day a week.
- 1969 - 40% increase in the number of clients over 1968. Due to growth, the Center begins to suffer "serious financial problems", staff is informed that there "is only enough money to last until May."
- 1970 - Dr. Gordon Thomas hired as a full-time psychologist.
- 1971 - Moved to vacated pediatric floor at old hospital. 833 clients served.
- 1972 - The NH Division of Mental Health provides a grant for the employment of a full time child psychologist.
- 1973 - 500+ new patients seen, bringing the total number of patients to 3500 increasing the burden to staff.
- 1975 - George Harris, Jr. MD and Alida Millham named honorary Board members.
- 1976 - Board minutes reflect space concerns as staff numbers increase "to 20, 30, 40 or more in a few years."
- 1977 - Lawrence G. Jasper, PhD becomes Executive Director.
- 1978 - Implementation of standardized record-keeping procedure for outpatient services begins. Dr. Thomas resigned and Medical Director. Dr. Richard Hattan fills the position.
- 1979 - A "Community Evening" open house was held with over 100 legislators, agency heads, physicians, and clergy in attendance.
- 1980 - Anticipated cut of $93,800.00 identified from Federal, state, and local funding sources- approximately 1/7 of the center's budget.
- 1981 - GBH main office moved to 111 Church Street, Laconia.
- 1982 - Business Office begins computerization of all records. GBH sponsors first group home with 8 beds for patients released from New Hampshire hospital.
- 1983 - Property at 771 North Main Street in Laconia purchased. Serendipity Thrift Store opens.

- 1984 - Financial hardship hits and GBH ends FY 1984 with a cash deficit. Executive Director Walter Beck resigns and GBH is without an ED for six months.
- 1986 - GBH receives United Way Bronze Award.
- 1987 - Messer Street group home opens with 7 patients.
- 1988 - "Project Together" launched for Plymouth-area children. Board member Doug Riddle receives NH Association of Mental Health Regional Award.
- 1989 - Local Community Advisory Council establishes 2 supervised apartments at McGrath St., Laconia.
- 1989 - Fires at both group homes on New Year’s Eve.
- 1990 - James Pisciotta; ACSW, named Executive Director.
- 1991 - Outpatient services named GENESIS. The Counseling Group Foundation begins a successful $110,000 capital campaign. Cornerbridge opens providing outreach, hospital visitation, and a drop-in center. Summer Street group home closes. Cornerstone renovations completed.
- 1992 - New office opens in Meredith. Dennis Wood, MD receives NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrist Award Case management. MJMS services provided for the first time.
- 1993 - Supervised apartment added to McGrath Street Acute/Intensive Partial Hospital program established. Board establishes Speakers Bureau.
- 1994 - LRMH Foundation raises $2,700. Plymouth office relocates to Tenney Mountain Highway. After School Program begins in Belmont, Laconia, & Meredith. Summer youth program offered in Laconia. Agency purchases new computer system for billing.
- 1995 - Meredith office relocates to Meredith Square.
- 1996 - Genesis Behavioral Health celebrates 30 years of service.
- 1997 - Property at 111 Church Street purchased. James Pisciotta resigns as Executive Director; John Acker (Director of Child & Family) appointed.
- 1998 - Child and Family Program experiences a 1000% increase in hours.
- 1999 - Genesis selected to serve as a pilot training site for the NH Division of Behavioral Health's adopted Recovery Model.
- 2000 - Name changed from "GENESIS -The Counseling Group" to "Genesis Behavioral Health". The TREK program is officially launched.
- 2001 - Lakes Region Mental Health Foundation donates a new van for client transportation. Michael Coughlin selected as new Executive Director in February.
- 2002 - GBH reaches full psychiatric staffing capacity, including three full time child psychiatrists.
- 2003 - Access to Care System launched.
- 2004 - Formation of the Helen Holbrook Leadership and Service Award with Helen Holbrook as the first recipient.
- 2006 - Telemedicine consults begin at Franklin Regional Hospital.
- 2007 - Margaret M. Pritchard named as new Executive Director.
- 2011 - GBH begins using Essentia clinical records.
- 2018 - GBH goes back to its roots and formally changes name back to "The Lakes Region Mental Health Center". A capital campaign supports the opening of the new LRMHC building at 40 Beacon St. East, Laconia.
- 2020 - LRMHC purchases 81 Highland St. in Plymouth.
- 2022 - 81 Highland St. Plymouth location opens in the Spring.
- 2023 - LRMHC secures $2.5 million SAMHSA grant to benefit homeless individuals with co-occurring substance misuse and mental illness.
- 2024 - Senator Jeanne Shaheen's Congressional Discretionary Spending allocation of $630,000 supports the implementation of an updated electronic health record, myAvatar to improve operational efficiencies and increase access to care.